Feeling comes in aid <br>Of feeling$$$ and diversity of strength <br>Attends us$$$ if but once we have been strong.
Nature never did betray<br>The heart that loved her.
She read everything.
Life stand still here.
Every glance afforded colouring for the picture she was delineating on her heart.
To lose the earth you know for greater knowing; to lose the life you have for greater life; to leave the friends you loved for greater loving; to find a land more kind than home$$$ more large than earth----
We do not tell old friends beneath our roof-tree that they are an offence to the eyesight.
There's a sort of wooly headed duckiness about you. If I wasn't so crazy about Marmaduke$$$ I could really marry you Bertie.
Half a league<br>Half a league<br>Half a league onward<br>With a hey-nonny-nonny<br>And a hot cha-cha.
You are falling into your old error$$$ Jeeves$$$ of thinking that Gussie is a parrot. Fight against this. I shall add the oz.