Whatever the cost$$$ however financed$$$ the benefits for park visitors in health and happiness--virtues unknown to statisticians--would be immeasurable.
Congress is always willing to appropriate money for more and bigger paved roads$$$ anywhere -- particularly if they form loops.
We Slovenians are even better misers than you Scottish. You know how Scotland began? One of us Slovenians was spending too much money$$$ so we put him on a boat and he landed in Scotland.
Our biological body itself is a form of hardware that needs re-programming through tantra like a new spiritual software which can release or unblock its potential.
There was present that night at Henley's$$$ by right of propinquity or of accident$$$ a man full of the secret spite of dullness$$$ who interrupted from time to time and always to check or disorder thought;
I shall arise and go to Innisfree.
Now days are dragon-ridden.
I did not$$$ but I saw a young girl$$$ and she had the walk of a queen.
And when white moths were on the wing and moth-like stars were flickering out.
For nothing can be sole or whole. That has not been rent.