The ruins of the unsustainable are the 21st centurys frontier.
Until he reached thirty$$$ Randy felt bad about the fact that he was not socially deft. Now he doesn't give a damn. Pretty soon he'll probably start being proud of it.
Human nature doesn't change$$$ Randy. Education is hopeless. The most educated people in the world can turn into Aztecs or Nazis just like that. He snaps his fingers.
Maybe this was all down to some supernatural effect$$$ such as grace$$$ that flowed through people's lives even if they didn't understand why.
Lawrence concluded that Alans penis scheme must have finally found a taker.
Felt-tip markers$$$ always a scarce resource even on Earth$$$ became objects of great value as people used them to mark directions on the walls of hamster tubes and habitat modules.
Apparently the part of the brain that identified things as funny kept running as a background process even when its contributions were useless.
Boys had been programmed by Darwinian selection to run around in the open chucking spears at wild animals.
Earth looked as if some god had attacked it with a welders torch$$$ slashing away at it and leaving thin trails of incandescence.
He liked his transcendence out in plain sight where he could keep an eye on it -- say$$$ in a nice stained-glass window -- not woven through the fabric of life like gold threads through a brocade.