By admin, 25 November, 2023

Plato$$$ or Why</br>For unclear reasons</br>under unknown circumstances</br>Ideal Being ceased to be satisfied.</br>It could have gone on forever$$$</br>hewn from darkness$$$ forged from light$$$</br>in its sleepy gardens above the world.</br>Why on earth did it start seeking thrills</br>in the bad company of matter?</br>What use could it have for imitators$$$</br>inept$$$ ill-starred$$$</br>lacking all prospects for eternity?</br>Wisdom limping</br>with a thorn stuck in its heel?</br>Harmony derailedby roil

By admin, 25 November, 2023

She knows not loves that kissed her<br/>She knows not where.<br/>Art thou the ghost$$$ my sister$$$<br/>White sister there$$$<br/>Am I the ghost$$$ who knows?<br/>My hand$$$ a fallen rose$$$<br/>Lies snow-white on white snows$$$ and takes no care.