The mystical life is at the centre of all that I do and all that I think and all that I write.
If I make the lashes dark<br>And the eyes more bright<br>And the lips more scarlet$$$<br>Or ask if all be right<br>From mirror after mirror$$$<br>No vanity's displayed:<br>I'm looking for the face I had<br>Before the world was made.
When you are old and grey and full of sleep <br>And nodding by the fire$$$ take down this book$$$ <br>And slowly read$$$ and dream of the soft look <br>Your eyes had once$$$ and of their shadows deep.
He neglected not his own body$$$ and praised not those that neglected theirs. In like manner$$$ he blamed the custom of some who eat too much$$$ and afterwards use violent exercises; but he approved of eating till nature be satisfied$$$ and of a moderate exercise after it$$$ believing that method to be an advantage to health$$$ and proper to unbend and divert the mind.
You are well aware that it is not numbers or strength that bring the victories in war. No$$$ it is when one side goes against the enemy with the gods' gift of a stronger morale that their adversaries$$$ as a rule$$$ cannot withstand them.
Neither need we fear to diminish a miracle by explaining it.
Beclouded The sky is low$$$ the clouds are mean$$$ <br>A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut <br>Debates if it will go. <br>A narrow wind complains all day <br>How some one treated him; <br>Nature$$$ like us$$$ is sometimes caught <br>Without her diadem.
My dear$$$ dear Friend; and in thy voice I catch<br>The language of my former heart$$$ and read<br>My former pleasures in the shooting lights<br>Of thy wild eyes. Oh! yet a little while<br>May I behold in thee what I was once...
I cannot paint what then I was.
The dreary intercourse of daily life$$$<br>Shall e'er prevail against us$$$ or disturb<br>Our cheerful faith$$$ that all which we behold<br>Is full of blessings. Therefore let the moon<br>Shine on thee in thy solitary walk;<br>And let the misty mountain-winds be free<br>To blow against thee...