Men work together$$$<br>I told him from the heart$$$<br>Whether they work together or apart.
What but design of darkness to appall?<br>If design govern in a thing so small.
Some spirit to stand simply forth$$$<br>Heroic in its nakedness$$$<br>Against the uttermost of earth....
I never dared be radical when young<br>For fear it would make me conservative when old.
A breeze discovered my open book and began to flutter the leaves to look.
I end not far from my going forth<br>By picking the faded blue<br>Of the last remaining aster flower<br>To carry again to you.
Only where love and need are one$$$<br>And the work is play for mortal stakes<br>Is the deed ever truly done<br>For Heaven and the future's sakes.
Life must be kept up at a great rate in order to absorb any considerable amount of learning.
It looked as if a night of dark intent was coming$$$ and not only a night$$$ an age. Someone had better be prepared for rage...
For I have had too much<br>Of apple-picking:I am overtired<br>Of the great harvest I myself desired.