Govern thy life and thy thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one$$$ and read the other.
I would say$$$ then$$$ that you are faced with a future in which education is going to be number one amongst the great world industries.
Dear reader$$$ traditional human power structures and their reign of darkness are about to be rendered obsolete.
Love is omni-inclusive$$$ progressively exquisite$$$ understanding and compassionately attuned to other than self.
Imagination is the wide-open eye which leads us always to see truth more vividly.
But all We did that day was mingle great and small<br>Footprints in summer dust as if we drew<br>The figure of our being less than two<br>But more than one as yet.
And on the worn book of old-golden<br>I brought not here to read$$$ it seems$$$ but hold<br>And freshen in this air of withering sweetness.
More than once I should have lost my soul to radicalism if it had been the originality it was mistaken for by its young converts.
New' is a word for fools in towns who think<br>Style upon style in dress and thought at last<br>Must get somewhere.
A man must partly give up being a man with women-folk.