I am so fed up and joyless that not only have I nothing to fill my soul$$$ I cannot even conceive of anything that could possibly satisfy it - alas$$$ not even the bliss of heaven.
Far from idleness being the root of all evil$$$ it is rather the only true good.
With every increase in the degree of consciousness$$$ and in proportion to that increase$$$ the intensity of despair increases: the more consciousness the more intense the despair.
When you were called$$$ did you answer or did you not? Perhaps softly and in a whisper?
The truth is a snare: you cannot have it$$$ without being caught. You cannot have the truth in such a way that you catch it$$$ but only in such a way that it catches you.
Silence is the demon's trap$$$ and the more one is silenced$$$ the more terrible the demon; but silence is also the divinity's mutual understanding with the single individual.
Intelligence plus character--that is the goal of true education.
No one may pride himself at being more than an individual$$$ and no one despondently thinks that he is not an individual...
The specific character of despair is precisely this: it is unaware of being despair.
The less support an idea has$$$ the more fervently it must be believed in$$$ so that a totally preposterous idea requires unflinching faith.