Oh Christ$$$ he groaned to himself$$$ if this is the stuff adults have to think about I never want to grow up.
Only describe$$$ don't explain.
They're animals$$$ all right. But why are you so goddam sure that makes us human beings?
The mystery of the universe is not time but size.
The scholar's greatest weakness: calling procrastination research.
Life is fair. We all get the same nine-month shake in the box$$$ and then the dice roll. Some people get a run of sevens. Some people$$$ unfortunately$$$ get snake-eyes. It's just how the world is.
And so will the world end$$$ I think$$$ a victim of love rather than hate. For love's ever been the more destructive weapon$$$ sure.
Even the company of the mad was better than the company of the dead.
There was a lot they didn't tell you about death$$$ she had discovered$$$ and one of the biggies was how long it took the ones you loved most to die in your heart.
It was like drowning$$$ only from the inside out.