We were two throats and one eye and we had no price.
The freezing in hell that comes before the everlasting fire where sinners bubble and singe forever.
She missed -- without knowing what she missed -- paints and crayons.
Instead of ignoring her infirmity$$$ pretending it was not there$$$ he made it seem like something special and endearing. For the first time Pauline felt that her bad foot was an asset.
You are my shaper and my world as well. It is done. No need to choose.
You're in trouble$$$ she says$$$ yawning. "Deep$$$ deep trouble. Can't rival the dead for love. Lose every time."
A voluntary act to fill empty hours had become intensive labor streaked with the bad feelings that ride the skin like pollen when too much about one's neighbors is known.
People who die bad don't stay in the ground.
It was becoming a habit-this concentration on things behind him. Almost as though there were no future to be had.
Like many of us left here I thought I knew you. Now I discover that in your company it is myself I know. That is the astonishing gift of your art and your friendship: You gave us ourselves to think about$$$ to cherish.