We sat and drank$$$ each with a separate past locked up in him$$$ and fate's alarm clocks set at unrelated futures -- when$$$ at last$$$ a wrist was cocked$$$ and eyes of consorts met.
Do those clowns really believe what they teach?
Solitude was corrupting me. I needed company and care.
I was the shadow of the waxwing slain<br>By the false azure in the windowpane;<br>I was the smudge of ashen fluff -and I<br>Lived on$$$ flew on$$$ in the reflected sky.
Time is rhythm: the insect rhythm of a warm humid night$$$ brain ripple$$$ breathing$$$ the drum in my temple; these are our faithful timekeepers; and reason corrects the feverish beat.
I am sentimental$$$ she said. I could dissect a koala but not its baby. I like the words damozel$$$ eglantine$$$ elegant. I love when you kiss my elongated white hand.
I see again my schoolroom in Vyra$$$ the blue roses of the wallpaper$$$ the open window. Everything is as it should be$$$ nothing will ever change$$$ nobody will ever die.
Occasionally$$$ in the middle of a conversation her name would be mentioned$$$ and she would run down the steps of a chance sentence$$$ without turning her head.
Discussion in class$$$ which means letting twenty young blockheads and two cocky neurotics discuss something that neither their teacher nor they know.
My God died young. Theolatry I found<br>Degrading$$$ and its premises$$$ unsound.<br>No free man needs God; but was I free?