...Wizard's Fifth Rule: Mind what people do$$$ not only what they say$$$ for deeds will betray a lie.
He doesn't mind if he dies... indeed$$$ he would like to die; but yet he fears to fall. He would welcome a long sleep; but not at the price of falling to it.
He argued unconvincingly that they would let him alone$$$ perhaps even make an outlaw of him. But then the fatal unreasoning knowledge came to him again. The breaking of the conch and the death of Piggy and Simon lay over the island like a vapor. These painted savages would go further and further. Then there was that indefinable connection between himself and Jack; who therefore would never let him alone; never.
Next time there would be no mercy. He looked round fiercely$$$ daring them to contradict.
The sun in the west was a drop of burning gold that slid nearer and nearer the sill of the world.
But for all the feet that had trodden it$$$ it remained ordinary dust$$$ which seemed to make everything much sadder.
Once more$$$ amid the breeze$$$ the shouting$$$ the slanting sunlight on the high mountain$$$ was shed that glamour$$$ that strange invisible light of friendship$$$ adventure and content.
Roger edged past the chief$$$ only just avoiding pushing him with his shoulder. The yelling ceased$$$ and Samneric lay looking up in quiet terror. Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority.
Here at last was the imagined but never fully realized place leaping into real life.
He walked slowly into the middle of the clearing and looked steadily at the skull that gleamed as white as ever the conch had done and seemed to jeer at him cynically. An inquisitive ant was busy in one of the eye sockets but otherwise the thing was lifeless. Or was it?