He was one of those people with lots of intelligence but no brains.
When people disagreed with him$$$ he urged them to be objective.
I came$$$ I saw$$$ she conquered. The original Latin seems to have been garbled.
I never do anything I don't want to do. Nor does anyone$$$ but in my case I am always aware of it.
He knew everything there was to know about literature$$$ except how to enjoy it.
Never ignore a gut feeling$$$ but never believe that it's enough.
In the sunny flats$$$ kudzu from last year had climbed to wrap trees and telephone poles in dry$$$ brown leaves. Whole buildings looked as if they had been bagged. Introduced from Japan in the thirties to help control erosion that had damaged eighty-five percent of the tillable land$$$ kudzu has consumed entire fields$$$ and no one has found a good way to stop it. Kudzu and water hyacinth$$$ another Japanese import$$$ have run through Dixie showing less restraint than Sherman.
This used to be a spring where women came to boil their wash clothes in iron pots. One time a woman was here they say$$$ abeatin' a rug clean with a stick. Had her daughter along. The little girl disappeared but the woman just figured she was aplayn' hide and seek. the mother was athumpin' her rug when it commenced aturnin' red. She got vexed with the child for hidin' raspberries in the rug. She opened it to wash away the stain and her little girl rolled out. Child was hid in the rug. Woman run off through the woods acryin'. 'I bludgeoned my baby!
A car whipped past$$$ the driver eating and a passenger clicking a camera. Moving without going anywhere$$$ taking a trip instead of making one. I laughed at the absurdity of the photographs and then realized I$$$ too$$$ was rolling effortlessly along$$$ turning the windshield into a movie screen in which I$$$ the viewer$$$ did the moving while the subject held still. That was the temptation of the American highway$$$ of the American vacation (from the Latin vacare$$$ "to be empty").
And a young prince must be prudent like that$$$ giving freely while his father lives so that afterwards$$$ in age when fighting starts steadfast companions will stand by him and hold the line.