There had not been this many words sounded in our house for a long time$$$ and it was going to take a while to clean them out.
So long as you write it away regularly$$$ nothing can really hurt you.
Aragorn: Gentlemen! We do not stop 'til nightfall.<br>Pippin: But what about breakfast?<br>Aragorn: You've already had it.<br>Pippin: We've had one$$$ yes. But what about second breakfast?<br>[Aragorn stares at him$$$ then walks off.]<br>Merry: Don't think he knows about second breakfast$$$ Pip.<br>Pippin: What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them$$$ doesn't he?<br>Merry: I wouldn't count on it Pip.
You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out$$$ and by the eternal God$$$ I will rout you out.
Cake and tea or death?
(Only the very young are not ashamed to arrive panting.)
...a minority is only thought of as a minority when it constitutes some kind of a threat to the majority$$$ real or imaginary.
No. Even now I can't altogether believe that any of this really happened...
It seemed to me then that to have published a book - any kind of book - would be the greatest possible happiness I could ask from life.
We live in stirring times- tea-stirring times.