He wil sooner lose his best friend$$$ then his least jest.
I don't believe in guilt$$$ I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person$$$ and don't judge people in your life. I think you should live completely free.
Anything that feels good couldn't possibly be bad.
Have you listened to the radio lately? Have you heard the canned$$$ frozen and processed product being dished up to the world as American popular music today?
I believe I've passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage.I've found that just surviving is a noble fight.I once believed in causes too; I had my pointless points of view.And life went on no matter who as wrong or right.
I am$$$ as I've said$$$ merely competent. But in an age of incompetence$$$ that makes me extraordinary.
I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection.
For most of my life$$$ I've felt that there must be more to our existence than meets the eye. This is who I am$$$ and you can't expect me to be someone I'm not.
You are now old enough to know how very important to your future life will be the manner in which you employ your present time.
It was one of the rules which above all others made Doctor Franklin the most amiable of men in society$$$ "never to contradict anybody."