Are you certain they never cut your member off?" Tormund gave a shrug$$$ as if to say he would never understand such madness. "Well$$$ you are a free man now$$$ but if you will have the girl$$$ best find yourself a she-bear. If a man does not use his member it grows smaller and smaller$$$ until one day he wants to piss and cannot find it.
Can I dwell on what I scarce remember? I held a castle on the Marches once$$$ and there was a woman I was pledged to marry$$$ but I could not find that castle today$$$ nor tell you the color of that woman's hair. Who knighted me$$$ old friend? What were my favorite foods? It all fades. Sometimes I think I was born on the bloody grass in that grove of ash$$$ with the taste of fire in my mouth and a hole in my chest. Are you my mother$$$ Thoros?
Your brother was a terrible traitor$$$ I know$$$ but if we start killing men at weddings they’ll be even more frightened of marriage than they are presently.
All men are fools$$$ if truth be told$$$ but the ones in motley are more amusing than ones with crowns.
The light that brings the dawn.
The living have no place at the feasts of the dead.
Remember Old Nan's stories$$$ Bran. Remember the way she told them$$$ the sound of her voice. So long as you do that$$$ part of her will always be alive in you.
Only a starving man asks bread from a begger
Harsh justice is still justice.
Up and down$$$" Meera would sigh sometimes as they walked$$$ "then down and up. Then up and down again. I hate these stupid mountains of yours$$$ Prince Bran.""Yesterday you said you loved them.""Oh$$$ I do. My lord father told me about mountains$$$ but I never saw one till now. I love them more than I can say."Bran made a face at her. "But you just said you hated them.""Why can't it be both?" Meera reached up to pinch his nose."Because they're different$$$" he insisted.