Sometimes$$$ the best thing you can do is nothing. Catelyn
She might have wept then$$$ had not the sky begun to do it for her.
His wits have gone dark as his eyes
She tried so hard to be brave$$$ to be fierce as a wolverine and all$$$ but sometimes she felt like she was just a little girl after all.
No$$$” said Bran. “I haven’t. And if I have it doesn’t matter. Sometimes Old Nan would tell the same story she’d told before$$$ but we never minded$$$ if it was a good story. Old stories are like old friends$$$ she used to say. You have to visit them from time to time.
Lem glowered. "Your lion friends ride into some village$$$ take all the food and every coin they find$$$ and call it foraging. the wolves as well$$$ so why not us? no one robbed you$$$ dog. You just been good and foraged.
A harp can be a dangerous as a sword$$$ in the right hands.
There is entirely too much tut-tutting in this realm$$$ if you ask me. All these kings would do a deal better if they put down their swords and listened to their mothers.
He wished he could relieve himself of his doubts and guilts half as easily.
A son for a son$$$ heh. But that's a grandson...and he never was much use." --Walder Frey