Superman is$$$ after all$$$ an alien life form. He is simply the acceptable face of invading realities.
The ultimate concept car will move so fast$$$ even at rest$$$ as to be invisible.
A visit to Père Lachaise in Paris adds a year to one's life
Remember$$$ the police are neutral - they hate everybody.
He methodically basted the dark skin of the Alsatian$$$ which he had stuffed with garlic and herbs."One rule in life"$$$ he murmured to himself. "If you can smell garlic$$$ everything is all right".
The ambiguous role of the car crash needs no elaborationapart from our own deaths$$$ the car crash is probably the most dramatic event in our lives$$$ and in many cases the two will coincide.
Do you believe in fairies?...If you believe$$$ clap your hands!
Is there any good news?' Tesla said.Who ever promised that? Who ever said there'd be good news?
Flesh could not keep its glamour$$$ nor eyes their sheen. They would go to nothing soon. But monsters are forever.
In a sense life in the high-rise had begun to resemble the world outside - there were the same ruthlessness and agression concealed within a set of polite conventions.