He feared his maturity as it grew upon him with its ripe thought$$$ its skill$$$ its finished art; yet which lacked the poetry of boyhood to make living a full end of life.
Jesus Christ only had twelve$$$ you know$$$ and one of them was a double.
Adapt what is useful$$$ reject what is useless$$$ and add what is specifically your own.
Arthur! I cried$$$ but my voice was lost in the battle roar. The seething waters of the enemy host closed over the place where he had been.
It was Arthur's welcome alone$$$ I believe$$$ which turned the tide of misery for Merlin.
Make a difference$$$ does it? You stay the night here snake get you.
What makes you so certain?<br>"But I am not certain$$$" I told him. "Nothing is certain. You want certainty?"<br>"Yes!"<br>"Then you want death."
She looks just as music sounds.
After all$$$ what could you expect from a pig but a grunt?
Earth never grieves$$$ I thought$$$ walking across the park$$$ watching seagulls cruising greedily above the ground looking for heaven knows what. Don't you think it's a good line? A very good line.