Having one king$$$ one god$$$ one belief$$$ they can act single-mindedly.
The hunger of a dragon is slow to wake$$$ but hard to sate.
The airport bookstore did not sell books$$$ only bestsellers$$$ which Sita Dulip cannot read without risking a severe systemic reaction.
For in this love he now felt there was compassion: without which love is untempered$$$ and is not whole$$$ and does not last.
I don't know where the artificial stops and the real starts.
When he found that the administrators were upset$$$ he laughed. Do they expect students not to be anarchists? he said. What else can the young be? When you are on the bottom$$$ you must organize from the bottom up.
I never fall apart$$$ because I never fall together.
Who knows a man's name$$$ holds that man's life in his keeping. Thus to Ged$$$ who had lost faith in himself$$$ Vetch had given him that gift that only a friend can give$$$ the proof of unshaken$$$ unshakeable trust.
So High$$$ So Low$$$ So Many Things to Know.
To exhibit the perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question.