Lips that Shakespeare taught to speak have whispered their secret in my ear. I have had the arms of Rosalind around me$$$ and kissed Juliet on the mouth.
I've attempted to bring together as many perspectives as possible$$$ not in order to be exhaustive$$$ but to celebrate the many different approaches to appreciating Shakespeare that there are possible.
God has a brown voice$$$ as soft and full as beer.
And if I tried to give you something else$$$ something outside myself$$$ you would not know that the worst of anyone can be$$$ finally$$$ an accident of hope.
Take your foot out of the graveyard$$$ they are busy being dead.
Suicide is$$$ after all$$$ the opposite of the poem.
Depression is boring$$$ I think$$$ and I would do better to makesome soup and light up the cave.
Even so$$$ I must admire your skill. You are so gracefully insane.
As for me$$$ I am a watercolor. I wash off.
Everyone in me is a bird. I am beating all my wings