By solemn vision and bright silver dream<br>His infancy was nurtured. Every sight<br>And sound from the vast earth and ambient air<br>Sent to his heart its choicest impulses.
Perhaps the only comfort which remains<br>Is the unheeded clanking of my chains$$$<br>The which I make$$$ and call it melody.
That orb'd maiden$$$ with white fire laden$$$<br>Whom mortals call the moon$$$<br>Glides glimmering oer my fleece-like floor<br>By the midnight breezes strewn.
O weep for Adonis - He is dead. "Peace. He is not dead he doth not sleep - he hath wakened from the dream of life."
He was soon borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance.
Fear is the result of duality.
You and those shot-glass eyes$$$ deep swirling pools of 80-proof firewater$$$ with the depth and profundity of Saturns spinning pulsars
In the State of Denmark there was the odor of decay...
Raphael paints wisdom$$$ Handel sings it$$$ Phidias carves it$$$ Shakespeare writes it$$$ Wren builds it$$$ Columbus sails it$$$ Luther preaches it$$$ Washington arms it$$$ Watt mechanizes it.
You can't use Shakespeare to denigrate Shakespeare$$$ you silly clot.