Touch me$$$ touch the palm of your hand to my body as I pass$$$<br>Be not afraid of my body.
I celebrate myself$$$ and sing myself$$$ <br>And what I assume you shall assume$$$<br>For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.
Ought to be havin' a first-rate eddication$$$ at their age. When I was their age I was doin' all this Latin and stuff.
In going to sleep he had learned to vanquish light$$$ and now the light could not rewake him.
The snow-haired Uncle Dap$$$ so old as to be absolutely fabulous$$$ was trying to jump over his walking-stick.
So Merlyn sent you to me$$$ said the badger$$$ "to finish your education. Well$$$ I can only teach you two things -- to dig$$$ and love your home. These are the true end of philosophy."
The poor fellow had never been cut out to be a villain.
Elaine had done the ungraceful thing as usual. Guenever$$$ in similar circumstances$$$ would have been sure to grow pale and interesting but Elaine had only grown plump.
The miracle was that he had been allowed to do a miracle. And ever$$$ says Mallory$$$ Sir Lancelot wept$$$ as he had been a child that had been beaten.