Mark the spirit of invention everywhere$$$ thy rapid patents$$$ Thy continual workshops$$$ foundries$$$ risen or rising$$$ See$$$ from their chimneys how the tall flame-fires stream.
I have hardly gone and hardly wish'd to go any farther.
I have loved many women and men$$$ but I love none better than you.
It is not they who give the life$$$ it is you who give the life$$$ <br>Leaves are not more shed from the trees$$$ or trees from the earth$$$ than they are shed out of you.
Sure as Life holds all parts together$$$ <br>Death holds all parts together.
I announce adhesiveness--I say it shall be limitless$$$ unloosen'd;<br>I say you shall yet find the friend you were looking for.
Thought Of obedience$$$ faith$$$ adhesiveness; As I stand aloof and look there is to me something profoundly affecting in large masses of men following the lead of those who do not believe in men.
Lack one lacks both$$$ and the unseen is proved by the seen$$$<br>Till that becomes unseen and receives proof in its turn.
I will go to the bank by the wood$$$ and become undisguised and naked;
Somehow I have been stunned. Stand back!<br>Give me a little time beyond my cuffed head and slumbers and dreams and gaping$$$<br>I discover myself on the verge of the usual mistake.