That's sad too$$$ people cannot do anything that dreadful they cannot do anything very dreadful at all they cannot even remember tomorrow what seemed dreadful today.
Caddy put her arms around me$$$ and her shining veil$$$ and I couldn't smell trees anymore and I began to cry.
She forced herself once more to think of nothing$$$ to keep her consciousness immersed$$$ as a little dog that one keeps under water until he has stopped struggling
Tell um de good Lawd dont keer whether he bright er not. Don't nobody but white trash keer dat.
Before us the thick dark current runs. It talks up to us in a murmur become ceaseless and myriad$$$ the yellow surface dimpled monstrously into fading swirls travelling along the surface for an instant$$$ silent$$$ impermanent and profoundly significant$$$ as though just beneath the surface something huge and alive waked for a moment of lazy alertness out of and into light slumber again.
What is it? something you live and breathe in like air? A kind of vacuum filled with wraithlike and indomitable anger and pride and glory at and in happenings that occurred and ceased fifty years ago? A kind of entailed birthright father and son and father and son of never forgiving General Sherman$$$ so that forevermore as long as your childrens' children produce children you won't be anything but a descendant of a long line of colonels killed in Pickett's charge at Manassas?" 'Gettysburg$$$' Quentin said. 'You can't understand it.
Once I waked with a black void rushing under me.
But my mother is a fish. Vernon seen it. He was there. "Jewel's mother is a horse$$$" Darl said. "Then mine can be a fish$$$ can't it$$$ Darl?" I said. Jewel is my brother. "Then mine will have to be a horse$$$ too$$$" I said. "Why?" Darl said. "If pa is your pa$$$ why does your ma have to be a horse just because Jewel's is?" "Why does it?" I said. "Why does it$$$ Darl?" Darl is my brother."Then what is your ma$$$ Darl?" I said. "I haven't got ere one$$$" Darl said.
A gull on an invisible wire attached through space dragged. You carry the symbol of your frustration into eternity. Then the wings are bigger Father said only who can play a harp.
And we'd sit in the dry leaves that whispered a little with the slow respiration of our waiting and with the slow breathing of the earth and the windless october$$$ the rank smell of the lantern fouling the brittle air$$$ listening to the dog and the echo of louis' voice dying away