I know a man<br>He came from my home town<br>He wore his passion for his woman<br>Like a thorny crown<br>He said "Dolores<br>I live in fear<br>My love for you's so overpowering<br>I'm afraid that I will disappear.
All I've got to do today is smile.
They were so close to each other that they preferred death to separation.
Yes I am$$$ I am also a Muslim$$$ a Christian$$$ a Buddhist$$$ and a Jew.
Here you go$$$ she said. "I don't need it anymore. I'm very grateful. I think it may have saved my life$$$ saved some other people's death."
There's an expression$$$ deja vu$$$ that means that you feel like you've been somewhere before$$$ that you've somehow already dreamed it or experienced it in your mind.
I'm just going to stay here$$$ in the darkness under the arch. I can hear you all out there$$$ trip-trapping$$$ trip-trapping over my bridge.<br/>Oh yes$$$ I can hear you.<br/>But I'm not coming out.
Until that moment she had never thought she could do it. Never thought she would be brave enough or scared enough$$$ or desperate enough to dare.
She didn't have a daddy? I asked.<br/>"No."<br/>"Did you have a daddy?"<br/>"You're all questions$$$ aren't you? No$$$ love. We never went in for that sort of thing. You only need men if you want to breed more men."
Time is fluid here$$$ said the Demon.