This is our island. It's a good island. Until the grownups come to fetch us we'll have fun.
The trouble was$$$ if you were a chief you had to think$$$ you had to be wise.
The water rose further and dressed Simon's coarse hair with brightness. The line of his cheek silvered and the turn of his shoulder became sculptured marble...
Ralph... would treat the day's decisions as though he were playing chess. The only trouble was that he would never be a very good chess player.
What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?
Sucks to your ass-mar!
They looked at each other$$$ baffled$$$ in love and hate.
His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig$$$ knowledge that they had outwitted a living thing$$$ imposed their will upon it$$$ taken away its life like a long satisfying drink.
He lost himself in a maze of thoughts that were rendered vague by his lack of words to express them. Frowning$$$ he tried again.
I know there isn't no beast$$$ not with claws and all that$$$ I mean but I know there isn't no fear$$$ either. Piggy paused. "Unless" Ralph moved restlessly. "Unless what?" "Unless we get frightened of people.."