Hence the best service that anybody can render God is diligently to hear and read God's Word.
I cannot bear with laws for the interpretation of the word of God$$$ since the word of God$$$ which teaches liberty in all other things$$$ ought not to be bound.
To call a man without the Holy Spirit "upright and God-fearing" is the same as calling Belial "Christ".
To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
Here again you confuse and mix everything up in your usual way.
The best way to drive out the devil$$$ if he will not yield to texts of Scripture$$$ is to jeer and flout him$$$ for he cannot bear scorn.
All the birds had flown away$$$ save only the great$$$ grotesque penguins.
Who are we to combat poisons older than history and mankind?
And at the instant he knew$$$ he ceased to know.
For the pride of trace and trail was his$$$ and sick unto death$$$ he could not bear that another dog should do his work.