What is now called the nature of women is an eminently artificial thing — the result of forced repression in some directions$$$ unnatural stimulation in others.
It is given to no human being to stereotype a set of truths$$$ and walk safely by their guidance with his mind's eye closed.
Dark came early and stayed full of lights and the shouts of children.
Get back to work$$$ he would tell himself sternly. There's a garuda to get airborne.
The light was going: some cloud cover arriving$$$ as if summoned by drama.
Is it more childish and foolish to insist that there is a conspiracy or that there is not?
I wish that there was nothing to hold me here$$$ that gravity was a suggestion I could ignore.
The best way to write a novel is to do it behind your own back.
Scars are memory. Like sutures. They stitch the past to me.
When I'm dead$$$ I want to be remembered as a musician of some worth and substance.