They say all lovers swear more performance than they are able.
The common curse of mankind$$$ folly and ignorance$$$ be thine in great revenue!
We turn not back the silks upon the merchant
When we have spoiled them.
There is seen
The baby figure of the giant mass
Of things to come at large.
The heavens themselves$$$ the planets and this centre
Observe degree$$$ priority and place$$$
Insisture$$$ course$$$ proportion$$$ season$$$ form$$$
Office and custom$$$ in all line of order.
Things won are done$$$ joy's soul lies in the doing.
That she beloved knows nought that knows nought this:
Men prize the thing ungained more than it is.
Her bed is India: there she lies$$$ a pearl.
Die$$$ die$$$ Lavinia$$$ and thy shame with thee$$$
And with thy shame thy father’s sorrow die!
O$$$ let me teach you how to knit again
This scattered corn into one mutual sheaf$$$
These broken limbs again into one body.
I have done a thousand dreadful things
As willingly as one would kill a fly$$$
And nothing grieves me heartily indeed
But that I cannot do ten thousand more.