With hair up-staring – then like reeds$$$ not hair –
Was the first man that leaped; cried ‘Hell is empty
And all the devils are here.’
My library was dukedom large enough.
O$$$ I have suffered
With those that I saw suffer.
O great corrector of enormous times$$$
Of dusty and old titles$$$ that heal’st with blood
The earth when it is sick$$$ and cur’st the world
O'th’pleurisy of people.
I am bride-habited$$$
But maiden-hearted.
‘Tis pity love should be so tyrannous.
O you heavens$$$ dares any
So nobly bear a guilty business? None
But only Arcite: therefore none but Arcite
In this kind is so bold.
Once he kissed me.
I loved my lips the better ten days after:
Would he would do so every day!
Whilst Palamon is with me$$$ let me perish
If I think this our prison.
This world's a city full of straying streets$$$
And death's the market-place where each one meets.