One day$$$ John Sherman took me with him to see Mr. Lincoln. He walked into the room where the secretary to the president now sits$$$ we found the room full of people$$$ and Mr. Lincoln sat at the end of the table$$$ talking with three or four gentlemen$$

By admin, 25 November, 2023

One day$$$ John Sherman took me with him to see Mr. Lincoln. He walked into the room where the secretary to the president now sits$$$ we found the room full of people$$$ and Mr. Lincoln sat at the end of the table$$$ talking with three or four gentlemen$$$ who soon left. John walked up$$$ shook hands$$$ and took a chair near him$$$ holding in his hand some papers referring to$$$ minor appointments in the state of Ohio$$$ which formed the subject of conversation. Mr. Lincoln took the papers$$$ said he would refer them to the proper heads of departments$$$ and would be glad to make the appointments asked for$$$ if not already promised. John then turned to me$$$ and said$$$ "Mr. President$$$ this is my brother$$$ Colonel Sherman$$$ who is just up from Louisiana$$$ he may give you some information you want." "Ah!" said Mr. Lincoln$$$ "how are they getting along down there?" I said$$$ "They think they are getting along swimmingly$$$ they are preparing for war." "Oh$$$ well!" said he$$$ "I guess we'll manage to keep house." I was silenced$$$ said no more to him$$$ and we soon left. I was sadly disappointed$$$ and remember that I broke out on John$$$ dning the politicians generally$$$ saying$$$ "You have got things in a hell of a fig$$$ and you may get them out as you best can$$$" adding that the country was sleeping on a volcano that might burst forth at any minute.

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