No shit$$$ there's worse ways to be dead than dying.
Burn the Louvre$$$ and wipe your ass with the Mona Lisa. This way at least$$$ God would know our names.
Only when we eat up this planet will God give us another. We'll be remembered more for what we destroy than what we create.
In light this bright$$$ after so long in the dark$$$ everything we can see is only black and white. Only glaringshape-outlines we have to blink against.
You can tell people the truth$$$ but they'll never believe you until the event. In the meantime$$$ the truth will just piss them off and get you in a lot of trouble.
This isn't about guilt or innocence$$$ he says. The dinosaurs weren't morally good or bad$$$ but they're all dead.
Going to work just looked crazy. Eating another meal$$$ ever$$$ made about as much sense as planting tulip bulbs in the shadow of a falling atom bomb.
He was assaulting the world by assaulting himself.
Being tired isn't the same as being rich$$$ but most times it's close enough.
Self improvement is masturbation...