There's the satisfaction of Eng-Lang-and-Lit; somebody else has said everything for you$$$ and said it better.
Wake up! Be yourself$$$ not a bad copy of something else!
Men have this climacteric$$$ you know$$$ like women. Doctors deny it$$$ but I have met some very menopausal persons in their profession.
One's family is made up of supporting players in one's personal drama. One never supposes that they starred in some possibly gaudy and certainly deeply felt show of their own.
Nothing is more dangerous to maidenly delicacy of speech than the run of a good library.
Which way will the sunflower turn surrounded by millions of suns?
Religious fanaticism is the most dangerous form of insanity.
Bollocks to the rules!
This is the Great Theatre of Life. Admission is free$$$ but the taxation is mortal. You come when you can$$$ and leave when you must. The show is continuous. Goodnight.
All the world is birthday cake$$$ so take a piece but not too much.