People don't help much. He wanted to explain how people were never quite what you thought they were.
He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things. He talked to them$$$ urging them$$$ ordering them. Driven back by the tide$$$ his footprints became bays in which they were trapped and gave him the illusion of mastery.
The world$$$ that understandable and lawful world$$$ was slipping away. Once there was this and that; and now-and the ship had gone.
The skull regarded Ralph like one who knows all the answers but won't tell.
Also$$$ though not over-elderly$$$ he was not over-young.
...a quiet room with cockroaches peeping out like prunes from every corner...
But wise is the man who disdains no character$$$ but with searching glance explores him to the root and cause of all.
Towards midnight the rain ceased and the clouds drifted away$$$ so that the sky was scattered once more with the incredible lamps of stars. Then the breeze died too and there was no noise save the drip and tickle of water that ran out of clefts and spilled down$$$ leaf by leaf$$$ to the brown earth of the island. The air was cool$$$ moist$$$ and clear; and presently even the sound of the water was still. The beast lay huddled on the pale beach and the stains spread$$$ inch by inch.
Magic is believing in yourself$$$ if you can do that$$$ you can make anything happen.
Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.