To die for lack of love is horrible. The asphyxia of the soul.
Even the most misfitting child<br>Who's chanced upon the library's worth$$$<br>Sits with the genius of the Earth<br>And turns the key to the whole world.
What makes night within us may leave stars.
I invoked you$$$ bribing Fate to produce you.<br>Were you conjuring me? I had no idea<br>How I was becoming necessary$$$<br>Or what emergency surgery Fate would make<br>Of my casual self-service.
So we found the end of our journey.<br>So we stood$$$ alive in the river of light$$$<br>Among the creatures of light$$$ creatures of light.
There is no better way to know us<br>Than as two wolves$$$ come separately to a wood.
Nobody wanted your dance$$$<br>Nobody wanted your strange glitter$$$ your floundering<br>Drowning life and your effort to save yourself$$$<br>Treading water$$$ dancing the dark turmoil$$$<br>Looking for something to give.
I like to work$$$ read$$$ learn$$$ and understand life.
Most musicians remain poor. But the music that they make$$$ even if it does not bring them millions$$$ gives millions of people happiness.
People say that eyes are windows to the soul.