Simplicity has no name is free of desires. Being free of desires it is tranquil. And the world will be at peace of it's own accord.
Must you value what others value$$$ avoid what others avoid? How ridiculous!
A writers brain is like a magicians hat. If youre going to get anything out of it$$$ you have to put something in it first.
Knowledge is like money: To be of value it must circulate$$$ and in circulating$$$ it can increase in quantity and$$$ hopefully$$$ in value.
The key to understanding any people is in its art: its writing$$$ painting$$$ sculpture.
A little rest and meditation often saves a lot of riding over rough country.
Of all sound of all bells... most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year.
I always arrive late at the office$$$ but I make up for it by leaving early.
Truth to tell$$$ the longer I live$$$ the more I'm tempted to think that the only moderately worthwhile people in the world are you and I.
I perceive your lovers purely as the successors of Alexander the Great$$$ incompetent joint rulers of an empire where I once ruled supreme.