Agamemnon escaped with his life<br>From land battles and sea storms$$$ then fell to his wife.
Hurry to your goal together. That is full bliss when man and woman lie equally conquered.
By yielding you may obtain victory.
When all the other animals$$$ downcast looked upon the earth$$$ Prometheus gave a face raised on high to man$$$ and commanded him to see the sky and raise his high eyes to the stars.
Their useless torches on dry hedges throw$$$<br>That catch the flames$$$ and kindle all the row;<br>So burns the God$$$ consuming in desire$$$<br>And feeding in his breast a fruitless fire.
Attaining consciousness is connected with the gradual liberation from mechanicalness$$$ for man is fully and completely under mechanical laws.
If one does not develop$$$ one goes down. In life$$$ in ordinary conditions everything goes down$$$ or one capacity may develop at the expense of another.
Reality exists in the human mind$$$ and nowhere else.
If you have no money$$$ men won't care for you$$$ women won't love you; won't$$$ that is$$$ care for you or love you the last little bit that matters.
Writing a novel is agony.