Do not grieve yourself too much for those you hate$$$ nor yet forget them utterly.
I know not$$$ but strained silence$$$ so I deem$$$ IS no less ominous than excessive grief.
Another husband could be found and with that husband another son. But I have no mother now. I have no father. I cannot bring another brother to the world.
Let every man in mankind's frailty consider his last day; and let none presume on his good fortune until he find Life$$$ at his death$$$ a memory without pain.
I have nothing but contempt for the kind of governor who is afraid$$$ for whatever reason$$$ to follow the course that he knows is best for the State.
Which would you choose if you could: pleasure for yourself despite your friends$$$ or a share in their grief?
I have always been full of lust - as I am now - but I have always been placing conceptual obstacles in my own path.
Read a lot. Expect something big$$$ something exalting or deepening from a book. No book is worth reading that isn't worth re-reading.
The difference between a cow and a bean is a bean can begin an adventure.
They all deserve to die. Even you$$$ Mrs. Lovett$$$ Even I. Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief$$$ for the rest of us death would be relief.