For in reason$$$ all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery.
Never look encouragingly at the brass$$$ except with a brief glance to give an important cue.
Manure grew the fodder for the cow that made that ice cream and fertilized the beets that gave us the sugar$$$ my girl$$$ Juniper said sternly. "Earth must be fed or we all go hungry."
You'll remember me when the west wind moves<br>Upon the fields of barley<br>You can tell the sun in his jealous sky<br>When we walked in fields of gold.
I've had a very sheltered life. What can happen to you if you stay home writing all day?
The lion sleeps in the sun.<br>Its nose on its paws.<br>It can kill a man.
From oriole to crow$$$ note the decline<br>In music. Crow is realist. But$$$ then$$$<br>Oriole$$$ also$$$ may be realist.
It is not in the premise that reality<br>Is a solid. It may be a shade that traverses<br>A dust$$$ a force that traverses a shade.
They said<br>"You have a blue guitar<br>You do not play things as they are".<br>The man replied$$$<br>"things as they are<br>Are changed upon the blue guitar".
If sex were all$$$ then every trembling hand<br>Could make us squeak$$$ like dolls$$$ the wished-for words.