For the beginning is assuredly the end- since we know nothing$$$ pure and simple$$$ beyond our own complexities.
It's a strange courage you give me ancient star: Shine alone in the sunrise toward which you lend no part!
It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there.
In bad times$$$ a king or a queen can be a rock for the waters to crash against$$$ so those less strong are not washed away. I will be such a rock. Only give me a chance$$$ sweet Zoria$$$ and I will be a rock for my people.
I saw that it was all over$$$ put away in a box like a doll no longer cared for$$$ the magical intimacy of our childhood together.
All people know the Greater Hunger...It is the hunger for warmth$$$ for family$$$ for connection to the stars and the earth and other living things... "For love?" Renie asked. "Yes$$$ I suppose that could be true."
The trouble with this world is that everybody has to compromise and conform.
Experience came easily enough$$$ learning how not to suffer would have proved much more practical.
What does that mean$$$ 'real'? Amn't I real$$$ you? If you cut me$$$ do I not bleed? If you piss me off$$$ will I not kick you up the arse?
Just get up. What's your name$$$ kid? "G-man" "I don't mean your codename down at the Dickhead Club. What does it say on your driver's license?"