It's human; we all put self interest first.
I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather.
Arrogance is in everything I do. It is in my gestures$$$ the harshness of my voice$$$ in the glow of my gaze$$$ in my sinewy$$$ tormented face.
There is a satisfactory boniness about grammar which the flesh of sheer vocabulary requires before it can become a vertebrate and walk the earth.
I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit.
One reason that cats are happier than people is that they have no newspapers.
As far as possible$$$ join faith to reason.
Rest is in Him alone. Man knows no peace in the world; but he has no disturbance when he is with God.
Doing nothing$$$ badly.
Mathematics reveals its secrets only to those who approach it with pure love$$$ for its own beauty.