It has remained for man alone among all creatures to kill senselessly and wantonly for the mere pleasure of inflicting suffering and death.
The more one knows of one's religion the less one believes - no one living knows more of mine than I.
The not-self cannot have the bad$$$ meaning they of the government and the judges and the schools cannot allow the bad because they cannot allow the self.
But this one was a writer$$$ not a reader.
It had been a wonderful evening and what I needed now$$$ to give it the perfect ending$$$ was a little of the Ludwig Van.
No man had ever a point of pride that was not injurious to him.
The nature of things is$$$ I admit$$$ a sturdy adversary.
Civilised my syphilised yarbles.
We set ourselves to bite the hand that feeds us.
Cowardice is the most terrible of vices.