We were all fated to die$$$ and so it is good that at least we can be sure our deaths today might bring about a good end$$$ might make the world a better place.
Nights were so real that days began to seem dreamlike to him.
Quing-Jao: I am a slave to the gods$$$ and I rejoice in it.<br>Jane: A slave who rejoices is a slave indeed.
Oops$$$ I thought. Oops is an all-purpose word standing for every bit of profanity$$$ blasphemy$$$ and pornographic and scatological execration I could think of.
Silence is deep as Eternity$$$ speech is shallow as Time.
Achilles acted as if he had already won$$$ and because the other kids followed him$$$ he had.
The rude man requires only to see something going on. The man of more refinement must be made to feel. The man of complete refinement must be made to reflect.
Of our thinking it is but the upper surface that we shape into articulate thought; underneath the region of argument and conscious discourse lies the region of meditation.
When new turns of behavior cease to appear in the life of the individual$$$ its behavior ceases to be intelligent.
Not our logical faculty$$$ but our imaginative one is king over us. I might say$$$ priest and prophet to lead us to heaven-ward$$$ or magician and wizard to lead us hellward.