In their death as in their life the Latins are more socially disposed than we$$$ and the graves in their cemeteries almost always touch each other$$$ they are so closely crowded together.
The country girls were considered a menace to the social order. Their beauty shone out too boldly against a conventional background.
The people asleep in those houses$$$ I thought$$$ tried to live like the mice in their own kitchens; to make no noise$$$ to leave no trace$$$ to slip over the surface of things in the dark.
This was a fine life$$$ certainly$$$ but it wasn't the kind of life he had wanted to live. I wondered whether the life that was right for one was ever right for two!
Prayed for the poor and destitute in great cities$$$ where the struggle for life was harder than it was here with us.
Sometimes I rode north to the big prairie-dog town to watch the brown earth-owls fly home in the late afternoon and go down to their nests underground with the dogs.
There were other times when she was so shattered by ideas that she could do nothing worth while; when they trampled over her like an army and she felt as if she were bleeding to death under them.
She had felt as if her heart were hiding down there$$$ somewhere$$$ with the quail and the plover and all the little wild things that crooned or buzzed in the sun. Under the long shaggy ridges$$$ she felt the future stirring.
He placed this book in my grandmother's hands$$$ looked at her entreatingly$$$ and said$$$ with an earnestness which I shall never forget$$$ "Te-e-ach$$$ te-e-ach my n-tonia!"
Don't love it so well$$$ Clark$$$ or it may be taken from you. Oh$$$ dear boy$$$ pray that whatever your sacrifice may be$$$ it be not that.