Held his heart in his hands$$$<br>And ate of it.<br>I said: "Is it good$$$ friend?"<br>"It is bitter - bitter$$$" he answered;<br>"But I like it<br>Because it is bitter$$$<br>And because it is my heart."
Were all here. Alive and unwell.
Only the gods tell him what to do$$$ and you should beware of men who take their orders from the gods.
I wondered why the gods no longer came to earth. It would make belief so much easier.
You can lead a horticulture$$$ but you can't make her think.
I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else.
He was a startlingly handsome young man$$$ and that$$$ too$$$ distracted him for girls were attracted to him like priests to gold.
The visible exhausts me. I am dissolved in shadow.
Place nothing above the verdict of your own mind.
The supernatural world has always been more real to me than the real world.