Every time I see a picture of Stalin I look him square in the eye and I say: You're a meat eater$$$ Joseph.
But an artist$$$ he realized. Or rather so-called artist. Bohemian. That's closer to it. The artistic life without the talent.
No one who can read$$$ ever looks at a book$$$ even unopened on a shelf$$$ like one who cannot.
To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached$$$ is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart.
Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There's no better rule.
Maybe there was once a human who looked like you$$$ and somewhere along the line you killed him and took his place. And your superiors don't know.
You learn to get by from day to day$$$ Sam Regan said sympathetically to him. "You never think in longer terms. Just until dinner or until time for bed; very finite intervals and tasks and pleasures. Escapes."
She makes life over$$$ he realized. She controls life$$$ whereas I just sit on my can and let it happen to me.
I am$$$ I said<br/>To no one there<br/>An no one heard at all<br/>Not even the chair<br/>"I am$$$" I cried<br/>"I am$$$" said I<br/>And I am lost$$$ and I can't even say why<br/>Leavin' me lonely still.
He was sick with lust and mesmerized with regret.