The superior man has a dignified ease without pride. The mean man has pride without a dignified ease.
Lead the people with administrative injunctions and put them in their place with penal law$$$ and they will avoid punishments but will be without a sense of shame. Lead them with excellence and put them in their place through roles and ritual practices$$$ and in addition to developing a sense of shame$$$ they will order themselves harmoniously.
Fix your mind on truth$$$ hold firm to virtue$$$ rely on loving kindness$$$ and find your recreation in the Arts.
When the wind blows$$$the grass bends.
The noble-minded are calm and steady. Little people are forever fussing and fretting.
Never give a sword to a man who can't dance.
To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace.
Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.
Respect yourself and others will respect you.
Nothing happened. Nothing continued to happen. More Nothing. The Return of Nothing. Son of Nothing. Nothing Rides Again. Nothing and Abbot and Costello meet the Wolfman...