In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure death will.
Ah$$$ they said. Qué bueno. And after and for a long time to come he'd have reason to evoke the recollection of those smiles and to reflect upon the good will which provoked them for it had power to protect and to confer honor and to strengthen resolve and it had power to hear men and to bring them to safety long after all other resources were exhausted.
Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.
In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure$$$ death will. The world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and the reality even where we will not. Between the wish and the thing$$$ the world lies waiting.
In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure death will. The world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and reality$$$ even where we will not. Between the wish and the thing the world lies waiting. I've thought a great deal about my life and my country. I think there is little that can be truly known. My family has been fortunate. Others were less so. As they are often quick to point out.
I don't know what sort of world she will live in and I have no fixed opinions concerning how she should live in it. I only know that if she does not come to value what is true above what is useful$$$ it will make little difference whether she lives at all.
He stood at the window of the empty cafe and watched the activites in the square and he said that it was good that God kept the truths of life from the young as they were starting out or else they'd have no heart to start at all.
What I can do can do no hurt to try$$$ Since you set up your rest 'gainst remedy. He that of greatest works is finisher Oft does them by the weakest minister: So holy writ in babes hath judgment shown$$$ When judges have been babes; great floods have flown From simple sources$$$ and great seas have dried When miracles have by the greatest been denied. Oft expectation fails and most oft there Where most it promises$$$ and oft it hits Where hope is coldest and despair most fits.
Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead$$$
excessive grief the enemy to the living.
From lowest place when virtuous things proceed$$$
The place is dignified by the doer's deed.