By admin, 25 November, 2023

The wisest were just the poor and simple people. They knew the war to be a misfortune$$$ whereas those who were better off$$$ and should have been able to see more clearly what the consequences would be$$$ were beside themselves with joy.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

We were never very demonstrative in our family; poor folk who toil and are full of cares are not so. It is not their way to protest what they already know. When my mother says to me "dear boy$$$" it means much more than when another uses it.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

The tension has worn us out. It is a deadly tension that feels as if a jagged knife blade is being scraped along the spine. Our legs won't function$$$ our hands are trembling and our bodies are like thin membranes stretched over barely repressed madness$$$ holding in what would otherwise be an unrestrained outburst of endless scream.s. We have no flesh$$$ no muscle now

By admin, 25 November, 2023

And in the night you realize$$$ when you wake out of a dream$$$ overcome and captivated by the enchantment of visions that crowd in on each other$$$ just how fragile a handhold$$$ how tenuous a boundary separates us from darkness - we are little flames$$$ inadequately sheltered by thin walls from the tempest of dissolution and insensibility in which we flicker and are often all but extinguished. Then the muted sounds of battle surrounds us$$$ and we creep into ourselves and stare wide-eyed into the night.